Portail Immobilier du Maroc S.A.R.L. (From now on Morocco-Houses.com), with legal residence in; Rue Ben Abbou nº 70, Kasbah, 90000 Tanger, registered with nº 35527 at the Commercial Registry of the City of Tangier and with patent number 50199488, is the owner of www. Morocco-Houses.com, (from now on the Portal) and puts at the disposal of all Internet users the necessary information of the products and the services offered by Morocco-Houses.com.


2.1. The present General Conditions of Use of Morocco-Houses.com are put forward with the purpose of regulating the disposal by the users of the contained information in the Portal as well as to the commercial relations that arise between Morocco-Houses.com and the users of the Portal. By the mere navigation in Morocco-Houses.com and/or by the use of the services included in it, you do acquire the condition of User. Both the navigation and the use of the Portal and/or the use of any of the services of the Portal you do admit your acceptance as User, without any reserves, to all and each one of the present General Conditions of Use.

2.2. Morocco-Houses.com will be able at any moment and without any previous notice, to modify the present General Conditions, by means of the mere modification of the present announcement, from which all Users should take notice of the conditions of use before visiting the Portal. The General Terms and Conditions of Use in force will always be the ones published in the present announcement at the moment of access to the Portal by the User.


Morocco-Houses.com informs all users of the existence of a personal database created by Morocco-Houses.com for his use and it is held under its responsibility, with the purpose of maintaining and administer the relations between Morocco-Houses.com and the Users.

In order to be registered at Morocco-Houses.com the following information will be needed: name, surname and e-mail address. It will also be necessary, according to the case, information about the property intended to be announced or/and the information about the property that you intend to seek. The only personal data that will be accessible through Internet is: the name and the telephone of the person of contact and the e-mail address. No third alien person will be liable to access to your account at Morocco-Houses.com without the written consent from the registered user. The user accepts that Morocco-Houses.com will send him information about the services and products that Morocco-Houses.com is marketing at that time.

The responsible for the database of Morocco-Houses.com is Portail Immobilier du Maroc S.A.R.L., with legal residence in; Rue Ben Abbou nº 70, Kasbah, 90000 Tanger, Morocco. The User, will be able to exercise at any moment, free of charge, the rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition in relation to the personal data held by Morocco-Houses.com by just communicating it in written form to the electronic mail address [email protected].

The User explicitly accepts the inclusion of the personal data voluntarily provided to Morocco-Houses.com in a comercial data base.

Morocco-Houses.com will comply with the obligation of privacy and custody of the personal data provided by the User, and will adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, processing or access by any unauthorized person.


4.1. All the contents that are shown in the Portal and specially; designs, texts, graphic, logos, icons, buttons, commercial software, trademarks, industrial drawings or any other susceptible signs of commercial and industrial use that are subject to the rights of intellectual and/or industrial property of Morocco-Houses.com or of one of third parties that have an inclusion in the Portal.

4.2. It is understood that in any case no license is granted or renounced nor the total or partial transfer of those rights neither any expectancy of right is given, and especially no right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution and/or public communication of the contents of Morocco-Houses.com is accepted without the written consent of Morocco-Houses.com or of the corresponding right's holder.


5.1. The User is explicitly obliged to fulfill all of the present General Conditions of Use, as well as to comply with the special warnings or directions contained in the Portal and to always act according to the Law, to the good customs and to the demands of the good faith, employing the adequate diligence according to the nature of the service that hi enjoys, not using the Portal in any way or form that can impede, damage or deteriorate the normal operation of the Portal, the goods or rights of Morocco-Houses.com, and of other Users or any third person.

5.2. Concretely, and without it implying any restrictions to the obligations assumed by the User when accepting the general terms of use displayed in the previous section, the User is obliged, when using Morocco-Houses.com, to:

1) When registering, the User is obliged to provide accurate data and to maintain it up to date.

2) To not introduce, store or distribute in or from the Portal any information or material that could be defamatory, abusive, obscene, minatory, xenophobic, incite to violence or to discrimination by means of race, sex, ideology, religion or in any other shape or form to not act in a way that may not comply with good customs and morale, and in general to follow the existing law and order and to keep the rights of any third parti.

3) Not to introduce, store or distribute by any means from the Portal or into it, any computer program, data, virus, code, hardware equipment, telecommunication device or any another instrument, electronic or physical device that may be susceptible to cause damages in the Portal, compromising himself to not provide or let the use of the Portal to any third party susceptible of causing damages in any of the equipment, data systems or networks of Morocco-Houses.com or altering or impeding the normal operation of it.

4) to store and guard in an adequate way the "Email" and the "Password" used to access Morocco-Houses.com, as identifying elements and keys for the access to the different services offered By the Portal, compromising himself to not yield its use nor to permit the access to any third parti, assuming the responsibility of the possible damages that could be derived from an undue use of the same. Likewise, the user compromises to communicate to Morocco-Houses.com as soon as possible, its loss or theft as well as any other known risk of access to the Portal with the personal "User Name" and/or the "Password" by a third unauthorized person.

5) Not to use the contents and the information obtained through the Portal, to not remit publicity, to not send messages with aim of any direct sale or with any another commercial purpose, nor collect or store any personal data of third parties.

6) Not to offer its professional services, of any type, to the advertisers of the Portal.

7) Not to use, to transfer, to distribute or to have the information included in the services in a disloyal way towards Morocco-Houses.com.

8) Not to use false identities nor replace the identity of others when using the Portal or when using any of the services of the Portal, including the use of passwords or third parties or any other access key in any form.

9) Not to destroy, alter, use in his own benefit, ruin or damage the data, the information, the programs or the electronic documents contend at Morocco-Houses.com or held by any third parti.

10) Not to introduce, store or diffuse by any means of the Portal any content that may infringe intellectual or industrial rights as well as any other information considered confidential to any third parti, nor introduce any other content that he would not have the legal rights to distribute or transfer to third parties.


6.1. The User recognizes and accepts that the use of the Portal, as well as the installment of the services in it offered, is carried out under its entire risk and under his entire responsibility. Morocco-Houses.com will only respond for the damages caused to the User as a result of the use of the Portal when proven that the damages can be attributed to a deceitful action of this company.

6.2. Morocco-Houses.com is not responsible for the damages that could be derived from;

(I) Inferences, omissions, interruptions, viruses, damages and/or disconnections during its use nor in the apparel and/or data processing equipments belonging to the Users, motivated by alien causes to Morocco-Houses.com, that may impede or delay the function of its services or its navigation caused by third parties by means of illegitimate access and therefore not be attributable to Morocco-Houses.com.

(Ii) The divergences of the information, documentation and/or other content of the Portal that could exist between the electronic version and the printed version.

(Iii) Of the impossibility to give the Service or to permit the access by causes not attributable to Morocco-Houses.com caused by the User, by third parties, or caused by greater forces.

6.3. Morocco-Houses.com does not control, with general character, the use that the Users does of the Portal. Particularly Morocco-Houses.com does not guarantee under no circumstance that the Users utilize the Portal according to the Law, the present General Conditions, the good morale and good the customs that are generally accepted nor that he will act according to the law and order nor that the use is done in a prudent and diligent form.

6.4 Morocco-Houses.com employs all its diligence in verifying the truth of the data that the owners of the real estates announcing in the website has provided us, as well as the information provided by Real Estate Agencies and Developers. Nevertheless, Morocco-Houses.com does not guarantee the absolute reliability of such data, since the same can be subject to some type of error. The prices and other information that appear in Morocco-Houses.com do not constitute a contractual offering, and they are published only for informative purpose. Morocco-Houses.com can not be blamed for the existence of mortgages, embargoes, censuses and any other loads that may affect the real estate property included in the website.

Without damage to the expressed terms in this legal notice, Morocco-Houses.com notifies that he is not responsible for any of the information included in the offers of Particulars or Real Estate Professionals as all information concerning those matters will be supplied to the buyers directly by the owners and/or Real Estate Professionals who inserted de advertisement..


In effect of the present General Conditions, and for any communication that may be necessary between Morocco-Houses.com and the User, these should be directed to Morocco-Houses.com by means of postal mail to the following address Rue Ben Abbou 70, 90000 Tanger, Morocco, by e-mail to the direction [email protected] or by means of fax at number +34 915618302.

The communications of Morocco-Houses.com to all Users will be carried out according to the data supplied by him when complying with the registration at the Portal. The User accepts explicitly that Morocco-Houses.com can remit commercial or advertising communications to the e-mail address supplied.

The user accepts likewise that the information of the real estate property as well as the one supplied when registering will be shared and published in associated Portals and distributed to associated Real Estate Agencies as well as accepting that these send commercial or advertising communications to the supplied e-mail address.

The User accepts explicitly and for all the communications related to the use of the Portal, and/or the contracting of the services offered in it, the use of the e-mail as valid procedure for the remission of these communications.